DMN TCK Results Overview for Trisotech Digital Enterprise Suite 11.8.0

Date: 2023-06-15

Tests: 3003

Labels: 75

Aggregator: COUNT
Aggregator: MIN
Aggregator: SUM
Business Knowledge Model
Compliance Level 2
Compliance Level 3
DMN Import
Data Type : String
Data Type: Boolean
Data Type: Collection
Data Type: Context
Data Type: Date
Data Type: Date and Time
Data Type: Days and Time Duration
Data Type: Function
Data Type: List
Data Type: Number
Data Type: String
Data Type: Structure
Data Type: Text
Data Type: Time
Data Type: Years and Months Duration
Data Type: any
Decision Services
Decision Table: Multiple Output
Decision Table: Multiple Output Columns
Decision Table: Single Output
FEEL Arithmetic
FEEL Conditionals
FEEL Constants
FEEL External Java
FEEL Filter (
FEEL Function Literals
FEEL Functions: conversion
FEEL Functions: date and time
FEEL Functions: lambda
FEEL Functions: list
FEEL Functions: lists
FEEL Functions: map
FEEL Functions: negation
FEEL Functions: number
FEEL Functions: numeric
FEEL Functions: string
FEEL Functions: strings
FEEL Iteration
FEEL List Operator
FEEL Paths
FEEL Qualified Hrefs
FEEL Qualified Names
FEEL Quantifiers
FEEL Relation
FEEL Special-character Names
FEEL TYpe Conformance
FEEL comments
FEEL equality
FEEL properties
FEEL: Interval functions
Feel : any
Function Definition
Function Invocation
Hit Policy: ANY
Hit Policy: COLLECT
Hit Policy: Collect
Hit Policy: FIRST
Hit Policy: PRIORITY
Hit Policy: RULE ORDER
Hit Policy: UNIQUE
Item Definition
Literal Expression
Literal Function Invocation
[no label]

DISCLAIMER: This report is automatically generated from the results of the TCK tests execution provided by each vendor. The accuracy of the results is under the responsibility of the respective vendors.
To execute the tests and reproduce the results, please follow the vendor provided instructions at this link .